Premier - Local Orthopaedic Surgeon

  • Hip Replacement

    Hip replacement, also known as total hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged or worn-out hip joint with an artificial joint, called a prosthesis. This surgery is commonly performed to relieve severe pain and improve mobility in individuals with conditions such as hip fractures or advanced arthritis.




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    <p>Orthopaedic Surgeon discusses diagnosis and treatment of hip replacement.</p>

    Orthopaedic Surgeon discusses diagnosis and treatment of hip replacement.

  • Hip Pain Caused by Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is indeed one of the most common causes of hip pain in middle-aged individuals. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that occurs due to the gradual breakdown and loss of articular cartilage, the smooth and protective covering of the joint surfaces.




Premier - Local Physiotherapist

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Rheumatology Now
